Friday, September 18, 2015

Lets make some decisions

I had to start a new post. There were so many comments and replies that it was distracting for me. That is probably something I have to get used to with blogging, sorry. Anyways.. 

Have we agreed on a grade yet?  I say lets go with first grade so we know that they can do a little more. I like the ideas we have been talking about. We should decide what the students are going to build so we can fill in our concept map. I am just going to throw out some more options and if someone can choose one of the following or pick something else, then we can move forward. I am fine with anything you guys choose. We could have them build:
  • Playground set/Park
  • Bike
  • Clubhouse/Treehouse
  • Car
  • Airplane
  • Actual Building (grocery store, school, library, etc)
Feel free to choose anything that's not on this list!

Thank you!! 


  1. Thanks Amanda,

    I like your ideas! I would vote for either a clubhouse, bike or an airplane (model sized) would be fun as well.


  2. Thanks Brianna!
    I think a clubhouse is very appropriate for this grade level and fun! A bike might be a little tricky, unless they made it stationary.

  3. Alright lets go for clubhouse! we gotta get started on this concept map for sure.

    1. I got a lot started, let me know what you think! :)

  4. So sorry for delayed replies! I'll work on some of the concept map in a few! :)

  5. On a different note, would you both be okay with swapping numbers? That way we can all know when we're online and working on things. This blog doesn't notify me when there's new comments..

  6. Just added some ideas to the concept map! Let me know what you think!

  7. I think that's a great idea. Mine is 269-655-4659

  8. I agree, good idea! Mine is 269-359-2223.

  9. I added some more to the concept map. I think it looks pretty good. Do you think we need to add anything else?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I posted the concept map, let me know what you guys think.
